The Chroma Elements serve the distinct purpose within the Open Space Museum project of showcasing aspects of presenting and preserving Born Digital Artworks, particularly AR Artwork. The Chroma Elements, including the AR Portals and the Chroma Tower, are large space frame structures with a volume of 2 cubic meters, constructed using 50mm square aluminum tubing and colorful acrylic glass.The AR Portal Elements offer the poublic information on the artworks on dislay and also act as gateways to Augmented Reality Artworks, enabling viewers to easily experience the artworks on their own smart devices. On another level, the Chroma Tower Element and the AR Portals serves as a "color perception modifier”, or color mixer which can be used by the public to interact with  artworks to enhancing their visual experience of the works. The experiences with the Chroma Tower will contribute to further research on presenting and preserving Born Digital Artworks, providing valuable insights into the interconnection of natural light and digital artwork aesthetics.


The Chroma Tower, a large space frame structure fitted with colored acrylic glass plates, serves as a color perception modifier. It enhances visual experiences by blending digital assets with analog colors, facilitating exploration of their differences.
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Acting as gateways, these portals not only provide information about and access to the series of augmented reality artworks on display but also serve to spread the colored light from the tower, offering an interactive element to the viewer's experience.
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