The Scream Scaper Demonstrator


The Scream Scaper Demonstrator
Material: Sensor System, Music App, 3D-print, Acrylic Glass.
Dimensions: 3 Areas of: H 50cm, W: 50cm, L: 50cm  



Arthur Clay, HSLU
Chiara Gemma Fedon
Chijioke Nwankwo, HSLU
Panayiotis Siozosa,  FORTH
Petros Stavroulakis, FORTH
Michail Vangos, FORTH


This demonstrator shows the concept of color perception extending beyond traditional visual stimuli by employing an innovative approach that translates the intensity of color differences between two  It utilizes a 3D scan to display comparative images of Edvard Munch's iconic painting "The Scream." Alongside, an audio device is used to translate the differences in colors between the images into audible sounds. This unique combination of visual and auditory elements offers a deeper exploration into the multi-dimensional nature of color perception. By making the color differences of the painting audible, the demonstration provides an engaging and insightful experience into how color perception can be influenced or altered in a three-dimensional space.

This demonstrator showcases the concept of color perception extending beyond traditional visual stimuli by employing an innovative approach that translates the intensity of color differences between two photographic captures of the iconic painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch. The demonstrator utilizes a 3D scan to create a topographical data map embedding comparative images of both captures. A near-distance sensor analyzes the topography of the 3D print, using its output to map the differences in colors between the images into audible sounds and colored light. This novel combination of visual and auditory elements, combined with the user's interaction, offers a deeper exploration into the multi-dimensional nature of color perception.

By making the color differences of the painting audible, the demonstrator provides an engaging and insightful experience into how the color of a painting changes over time and how these changes can be articulated in a three-dimensional space. e evolution of color perception and the impact of AI restoration techniques on art understanding.




The Scream Demonstrator as it would appear in an exhibition.
The Scream Demonstrator as used by a visitor at an exhibition